The Harder Problem of Free Energy: an Episodic Saga

Chapter 2: We Come Here to Suffer

Alaina Loftus
5 min readApr 17, 2022

Alchemists of yore, and to this day, are known especially for their efforts to change materials into other elements such as lead to gold. The allure of alchemy for many dabblers in the occult is to do more so with the transmutation of invisible energies. Across all religions we see a similar effort to harness the energy of a higher power in order to turn suffering into joy. Through the ages we’ve learned that in order to achieve such complex needs as we have developed in our fast-paced society we need to work together in communities of like-minded people, whether that be secret societies or public scientific and religious organizations. When we boil it down the mission of all humankind is the same — to evolve beyond the limitations of this dimension that we inhabit. To achieve this higher consciousness we must have compassion for ourselves and one another in order to begin asking the right questions with a common purpose.

A rainbow reigns over Inverness, Scotland

Suffering is the best teacher in that we, as humans, learn best by doing. The events that cause suffering are inevitable regardless of privilege, but the power to transmute our perspective of reality is what some may call the divine. Others, such as Arthur C. Clarke did, may suggest “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Our collective mission has been derailed since the dawn of the class system as our egos have sought out confirmation bias in genuine, misplaced hopes of evolving our species. Privilege has become an insult as the divide between belief systems deepen, while the privilege that requires our attention as a whole is the privilege of leisure time. Maslow was so close to transcendence himself as he understood that to ascend the hierarchy of needs we must become self-actualized, and to do so we must rise above the aesthetic, or material needs. Detachment from aesthetic needs has become nearly impossible in today’s demanding world, and please don’t be deceived into thinking that this was not by design.

You see, some people understand that suffering is inevitable and they use this principle in service to self. Others understand that suffering is a necessary teacher but that the suffering need not be so great if we all lean on each other just a bit. If we are all united in a common goal and support one another we may excel the evolution of humankind faster than the speed of light that we are in lock step with, or as Nikola Tesla said;

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

We know that governmental agencies have been studying non-physical phenomena since at least the sixties with the advent of the CIA’s declassified Stargate program, but such efforts have been behind closed doors for fear that the enemy would gain the advantage putting the whole country at risk. We’ve continued to accept this narrative as the collective cower behind the select few who stockpile and play gatekeepers to resources within its illusory borders. This system has developed over such a long period of time that for generations the concept of ownership and competition has been entrenched in our DNA, while we lash out with “defensive strikes” following in the footsteps of our tribal ancestors.

We may learn from history, but if we do not integrate these lessons into the global power structure then we are doomed to repeat our mistakes. The global power structure has historically been one of individualism, but a collectivist attitude is the only way to evolve beyond competition for resources towards collaboration to eliminate competition for aesthetic needs altogether. Competition may always exist for evolutionary purposes, but what we compete for or who or what we compete with is up to us. The only way to ascend our aesthetic needs and become self-actualized so that we may transcend this cycle of human suffering is to remove the borders that we cling to. We must recognize that “until we are all free, we are none of us free,” as pioneering Jewish-American poet Emma Lazarus explained, and that requires a dismantling of global systems of oppression for which the prerequisite is a shift in understanding of the importance of consciousness to our adaptation and endurance as a species.

I can vividly recall, before questioning was taught out of me, my rapt interest in Nikola Tesla. I do not wish to give the illusion that I was or am in some way enlightened, so I must be candid and admit that my interest was likely piqued by our mutual obsession, or some may prefer the term special interest, with pyramids. As I recovered from surgical removal of endometriosis along with a couple of organs, an unconventional grieving process and autistic burnout, the lessons that were a part of my experience at that moment were uniquely positioned to allow myself to be the person I had been actively resisting being for the majority of my life. To receive diagnoses and treatment for crippling invisible physiological and mental illnesses in a demanding world is a privilege, and I urge every reader to have compassion for each and every self-diagnosed sufferer of invisible illnesses, because today’s healthcare system does not typically reflect that compassion to our human family. Curiosity and compassion are the only way to transcend the limitations of our universe and transmute our individual and collective suffering into something more divine than the constraints of our understanding placed on us by evolution allow us to comprehend.

To ascend the aesthetic needs of our modern day society we need free energy to allow not only for clean energy to bring balance back to the earth, but for leisure time so that as a society we may reflect, share and integrate the lessons and love we have within each of us. Our worldwide infrastructure cannot meet the energy demands of our growing population. In order to achieve a shift in global infrastructure to save our planet and species from yet another step back down the evolutionary ladder a shift in understanding of our interconnectedness as one consciousness is necessary. This can only be achieved by transcending our preoccupation with material needs by harnessing Earth’s own free, clean energy so that we may all understand what it is to be free.



Alaina Loftus

A late-diagnosed autistic employs her systems-thinking in the interdisciplinary pursuit of proving the evidential, historical link between science and religion.